Farming Life

  • New Easy Breathe Calf Bolus proving invaluable

    The new Easy Breathe calf bolus has been a lifeline on many farms across the country over recent weeks with the very changeable weather causing a large increase in the number of respiratory issues being reported in calf rearing units.

  • Easy Breathe Calf Bolus providing essential respiratory support

    Matrix Animal Health recently premiered the innovative Easy Breathe calf bolus- which is the first of its kind to be available in UK and Ireland.

  • Reduction in Somatic cell counts

    “We are seeing fantastic results on farm with these new boluses both in terms of lowering SCC levels and the Mastitis burden
  • Bolus helps respiratory issues

    The new Easy Breathe calf bolus from Matrix Animal Health is proving to be a big hit on farms across the county that had been struggling to keep on top of respiratory issues in their calf rearing units.

  • Use Healthy Udder Bolus at drying off

    The bolus can also be used throughout lactation with no milk withdrawal to help reduce the use of antibiotics in cases of high somatic cell counts...
  • The perfect partner for robotic milking

    The new Healthy UdderBolus fromMatrixAnimalHealth has revolutionised how Kilraughts farmerBrianMcClure treats cows with high conductivity and at the same time greatly reducing the farms reliance on antibiotics.
  • Clinical Mastitis cases no longer a headache

    Thomas Gordon of Grove Farm, Ballyclare, runs a herd of Pedigree Ayrshire cows, split between spring and autumn calving.
  • Reducing somatic cell counts and combating mastitis without antibiotics

    The new ‘Healthy Udder Bolus’ from Matrix Animal Health is a fast acting bolus for use in lactating dairy cattle to help reduce the use of antibiotics in cases of high somatic cell counts and both clinical and sub clinical mastitis.